Cereal: The processed, often sugar-laden convenience breakfast food that is a staple in many homes.
There is a whole aisle dedicated to it in most supermarkets. I’m guessing it’s a billion dollar industry because most people don’t have the time to cook a nutritionally comprehensive breakfast for their families before they have to rush out to earn a living to keep feeding and clothing and educating their families. But that’s not the point of this.
I thought it would be fun to find out (via social media) how people rated the cereals they’ve eaten. Which cereal they felt was the most offensive on the market and which cereal they considered their favourite. The results varied, of course. No two people are alike.
Guys, I want to know: What’s your least favourite cereal. And your favourite? Tell me why. Your interesting answer will appear on my blog.
— Aneeqah (@Aneeqah) April 21, 2015
My Twitter followers seem to have a love and fondness for Tastee Wheat. It’s semolina porridge and it’s absolutely yum.
While people on Facebook were equally divided on their feelings about newcomer in the SA market Future Life, the cereal that ranked lower than low was Oat-Bix – another new kid on the cereal block. How do you feel about Oatbix? Could it be the most hated cereal in South Africa? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
The people on the box are happy so you will be happy if you eat this.
But just how different does the second-born in the “Bix” family taste compared to the original WeetBix? WeetBix (personally can’t stand it) still seems to be a favourite for some. 3
ProNutro, a cereal that has been around for decades and is a firm favourite in many South African households, had two naysayers. How can you hate a cereal that had a swimmer’s abs as its mascot?
While Lili and Amina didn’t hold anything back about their feelings on this SA favourite….
These four obviously don’t mind it at all.
Fruit loops/Froot loops also got some love. I don’t remember how this tastes.
It seems that if you love Rice Crispies, you loathe muesli and vice versa.
Snap, Crackle, Pop
And good old oats, which is a cooked porridge and not a convenient cereal also got a love mention.
Here Louzel perfectly sums up the nostalgia and comfort that can be felt when eating a good bowl of cooked porridge.
Something rich and strange
By far the strangest favourite breakfast involving cereal comes from Herman. He says it started as a hangover cure but now he just loves eating it – hungover or not. ProNutro, hot milk, butter, sugar and viennas. No really. In the same bowl. Anyone brave enough to try this combination? Let me know if you do.
So dear reader, tell me about your favourite and least favourite cereal. I’d love to know more.
VIENNAS with Pronutro?! No man, Herman. No.
Great post, hun! I actually really enjoyed everyone’s thoughts. Who knew cereal/porridge could be such a passionate subject!
I take it you won’t be trying Herman’s “Hilda” combination? 🙂