This past weekend was a busy one, particularly on Saturday. I had a couple of platters that were ordered and then a Beautiful Living blogging event to attend shortly after the platters were meant to be picked up. I also planned to cook something special for my mom for Mother’s Day (this plan failed to materialise). Because I knew all these things were happening, I mapped my weekend out. I had a timetable and a plan of action and everything.
Plot twist
Part of this plan of action was to get a good night’s rest on Friday evening. I was well on my way to getting the rest I’d planned when I got out of bed to brush my teeth before sleeping. And that’s when my painful plot twist happened. I sliced my toe on a tiled step and cut it deep. There was blood everywhere. It looked like a scene on CSI. I was so afraid the blood wouldn’t stop but it eventually slowed down and then stopped. Cut to a sleepless and painful night followed by a morning filled with getting platters ready and then getting ready the awesome blogging event and not eating until 6pm that day and you’ll find me passed out by 20:30.
Beautiful Living
But enough about my drama. Let me tell you about the amazing Beautiful Living event organised by lovely Cindy Alfino over at 3 Kids 2 Dogs 1 Old House.
It was an afternoon for meeting new people, getting amazing massages from the ladies at Rain and winning awesome prizes in a lucky draw. And wasn’t I a lucky fish to have my name drawn for a hair care hamper sponsored by Goldwell? Really can’t wait to use it.
We also got goodie bags filled with awesome things that I can’t wait to start using. The best part was of course meeting fellow bloggers and getting to know some of them.
And of course, what kind of foodie would I be if I didn’t mention the beautiful food on offer. Just look at at and drool. (Like I said at the beginning I didn’t eat until I got home. I think the pain just prevented me from getting hungry. Right now I wish I had eaten a bite of this pizza.)