Do you ever have strange dreams and find they’re weirder and loopier during Ramadan? That happens to me often. My dreams could really be movies (that probably very few people would watch).
Let me tell you about the dream. It started out well. There I was getting ready to go on a media trip to a tropical island for a few days. Of course Dream Me was excited. Who wouldn’t be? I get to the island and it’s beautiful. We’re given key cards for our hotel rooms and Bell Boy takes me to my room. I enter and there’s a family already there settled on the beds and watching TV. (Who goes to a tropical island to watch TV?)
So we look at the room number and it turns out Bell Boy had taken me to room 160 and I was in room 116. Eventually we get to 116 and the room is amazing with a perfect view of the ocean. But then I turn around and see a huge rat. Bell Boy says no it’s a cat. And sure enough rat morphs into cat. Not any cat though. A diseased cat intent on attacking me. I fight the the creature until I win. Then I get told my flight is outside waiting. I didn’t even get to see the island. Boo hiss.
Anyway, you’d probably rather hear about my food for suhoor and iftar. Low/no carb continues in the morning. I boiled eggs and served it with salad and hummus. Oh and coffee of course. It’s really quick to clean the pot you boil the egg in. Or boil the night before for less hassle in the morning.
I always break my fast with a date and water so even if I don’t mention it it’s there. For iftar we had soup again. I also made some daltjies. My mom was craving it so I indulged her. We have to do what our mothers ask, don’t we?
For our meal after iftar we had chicken strips, sweet potato chips and salad.
What was on your menu this evening? And do you ever had weird Ramadan dreams? Tell me in the comments section below.
Did you jump into my house and steal my sehur?? My second morning was precisely boiled eggs with hummus and salad! Yours looks tasty though. Mine was a sleepy half attempt 😀
These weird dreams after suhoor happen to me all the time. I was being attacked by a monkey the other day – go figure!